Dental department

History of the clinic Administration Open Hours Emergency dentistry Depatments


Dental department Paid Dental department Department of prosthodontics

Funded from the budget. We are located on the 1st, 7th, 8th, 9th floors in a 9-storey building and in a 3-storey building.
There are 17 dentists working in the department. Modern materials and technologies in the dental department are used to treat patients. On the basis of the dental department, there is a physiotherapy room with modern equipment and highly qualified specialists.

On the basis of the clinic there are about 200 employees of 9 departments of BSMU. Teachers of dental departments conduct patients' reception together with students. Employees of the departments support professional help, consult patients with complex pathology, promote the synthesis and dissemination of best practices. Employees of dental departments of the Belarusian State Medical University participate in international congresses and conferences, exchange experience with foreign colleagues.

Department heads

Anna V. Sakharchuk

 Anna V. Sakharchuk

Graduated from the Belarusian State Medical University in 2006

Head of the Dental department #1

Dentist, 1st qualification category

Veronika V. Chernousova

Veronika V. Chernousova

Graduated from the Minsk Medical School in 2004

The nurse (senior) of the dental department #1

1st qualification category

Леонид И. Салей

Irina L. Isachenko

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 2000

Head of the Dental department #2

Dentist, Highest qualification category

Larisa V. Strelskaya

Larisa V. Strelskaya

Graduated from the Minsk Medical School No. 2 in 1984.

The nurse (senior) of the dental department #2

Highest qualification category

Dental surgeon

Elena N. Kononovich

Elena N. Kononovich

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 1981.

Dental surgeon, 1st qualification category

Alina V. Sableova

Alina V. Sableova

Graduated from the Belarusian State Medical University in 2003.

Dental surgeon, 1st qualification category

Elena N. Kononovich

Azad Khorasani Sorena Hosein

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute

Dental surgeon

Alina V. Sableova

Guvandgov Batir Babamyradovich

Graduated from the Belarusian State Medical University

Dental surgeon

Dentist (periodontology)

Marina L. Shimanovich

Marina L. Shimanovich

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 1993.

Dentist (periodontology), the highest qualification category

Irina M. Kharko

Irina M. Kharko

Graduated from Minsk State Medical Institute in 2000.

Dentist-therapist (periodontologist), 1st qualification category

Children's dentist

Irina A. Astrejko

Irina A. Astrejko

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 1987.

Children's dentist, 2nd qualification category

Nina V. Komel

Nina V. Komel

Graduated from the Belarusian State Medical University in 2011.

Children's dentist


 Lyudmila A. Kukharchik

Lyudmila A. Kukharchik

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 1982.

Dentist, 1st qualification category

Natalia N. Reutovich

Natalia N. Reutovich

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 1983.

Dentist, 1st qualification category

Tatyana S. Ulaschik

Tatyana S. Ulaschik

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 1984.

Dentist, 1st qualification category

Natalia E. Baksha

Natalia E. Baksha

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 1979.

Dentist, highest qualification category

Islami Shahram Islam

Islami Shahram Islam

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 2002.

Dentist, 1st qualification category

Рослик Кристина Геннадьевна

Kristina G. Roslik

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 2016


Горгуль Мария Олеговна

Maria O. Gorgul

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 2022


Гюндюз Лейла Григорьевна

Leila G. Gunduz

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 1996


Мокряк Глеб Игоревич

Gleb I. Mokryak

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 2021


Пипирайте Ренат Артуровна

Renata A. Pipiraite

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 2017


Траянович Валерия Павловна

Valeria P. Trayanovich

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute in 2016

Dentist, 1st qualification category





Vadim L. Bobrov

Vadim L. Bobrov

Graduated from the Belarusian State Medical University in 2007.

Doctor anesthetist, resuscitator, highest qualification category



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