Medical assistance to foreigners in Belarus

Medical assistance Visa in Belarus Transfer Accommodation Insurance Payment

Under the laws of the Republic of Belarus, medical care to foreign citizens is:

Foreign citizens

Emergency medical care

Scheduled (Planned) medical care

Foreign citizens:

- temporarily staying in the territory of the Republic of Belarus
(Do not have a residence permit)

Free (Do not pay)

Based on the insurance policy (compulsory medical insurance). If you do not have an insurance policy - for your own money or at the expense of the sending party


Foreign citizens:

- have a residence permit

Free (Do not pay)

Free (Do not pay)

 Citizens of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam,

temporarily or permanently located in the territory of the Republic of Belarus

Free (Do not pay)

until the threat is eliminated life of the patient.
Payment shall be made in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.


Citizens of the Syrian Arab Republic,

residing in the territory of the Republic of Belarus

Free (Do not pay)

Based on the insurance policy (compulsory medical insurance). If you do not have an insurance policy - for your own money or at the expense of the sending party


Citizens of Turkmenistan,

residing in the territory of the Republic of Belarus

Free (Do not pay)


Persons with disabilities who are foreign citizens and stateless persons, permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Belarus

Free (Do not pay)

Free (Do not pay)

Veterans who are stateless persons, foreign citizens

permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, unless otherwise established by international agreements

Free (Do not pay)

Free (Do not pay)

Foreign citizens having refugee status and members of their families

Free (Do not pay)

Free (Do not pay)

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